Monday, November 11, 2013

I like dirt!

First's daunting. So I'll go back to what has been prompting me to start blogging in the first place - farming. I've been farming my entire life. First on my parents' dairy farm that they still run, and now I'm married to a crop farmer. The past couple of weeks I've discovered it's not just that I like the idea of farming, I actually like doing it!

Ever since Ben and I got married, I've considered myself involved in the farm through talking about it with him. We really talk about all aspects of it - sometimes because I'm asking all sorts of questions, sometimes Ben wants me to help him decide on something and other times it's just so he can let off steam about a frustrating project or weather pattern. I have learned a lot about crops in the past couple of years!

The past couple of weeks, however, have made it more clear to me that I also like to be physically involved in the farm. I finally got out and did some fieldwork on my own. I say "finally" because it took me four years to muster up the courage to jump into a "Nelson" tractor, even though I've been driving "Schmidt" tractors since my early teens.
I've been talking the talk; now I'm walking the walk...again!

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