Monday, January 12, 2015

This calls for ice cream!

We all know food can be therapeutic. We recently had two back-to-back reasons for ice cream - one good and one not-so-good.

The guys went to an equipment auction last month. My father-in-law's combine hasn't been doing well at all. Ben says there are many days when he sees him drive off to the edge of the field and he says on the CB, "What's wrong with it now?!" 

They had great luck at the auction. Got a new-to-us combine that's definitely an upgrade from the other one and it was a really good price with 0% financing for three years. Ice cream #1. 

Looks especially nice since it's super shiny!

Less than a week later they were cleaning everything up to put it away until next year. It's the most despised day of the year because of how gross everything is and how long it takes to get it all clean. 

My father-in-law went to put Ben's combine away and didn't realize the auger was out - he must have unknowingly bumped the lever when he was cleaning out the inside. Screeeeeeeeech. The auger hit the side of the shop. Not a good day for Ben's combine. Ice cream #2. 

Add that to the already-long list of winter projects - fixing the auger. 

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